Thursday, November 22, 2012

Give Thanks–Faith in God

It’s thanksgiving month, and today is Thanksgiving Day! What better day than today to thank God!

I grew up in a Christian family. For as long as I remember, my Sundays are spent in church. There was Sunday School with the most interesting Bible stories and most exciting Bible Games (I really liked the Flip to the Verse game—which is probably so passe now with all the eBibles).

I remember Mummy asking me when I was 6-7 yr old if I wanted to accept Jesus into my heart. I said the sinner’s prayer and it was just faith building all the way.

In school, especially on Mondays, I would gather my friends and re-tell the stories I learnt in Sunday School (you see, my lifelong ambition was to be a teacher).

Every life experience I had, I learnt to commit to God and trust Him. Off hand, these were some ‘life-changing moments’:

  • Getting lost in the mall
  • Forgetting to bring that so important file to school when the teacher already reminded us twice
  • Cycling down the steep slope and realising the brakes were faulty
  • Before every Piano Practical Exam, every Chinese Oral Exam, every Chinese Dictation Test
  • Collecting my PSLE, O Levels and A Levels results
  • Boarding the plane alone to Perth in Feb 1995
  • Deciding on housemates in Perth and finding that rented house
  • The wedding, the honeymoon, the new home
  • Finances finances finances
  • Throwing up at the toilet bowl thru each of the 1st Trimesters for each child
  • Every domestic helper we had
  • Every decision about the children

Even as I type, I know there’s so so much more I can say. This is a super summarised version.

I thank God for my life. All the little and big things. I thank God for never failing to watch over my life, sending the right people every time, opening those doors and closing them when necessary. I cannot imagine what life would be like without my faith in God.

Through the good times and especially the very bad times of tears, heartaches and pain, my God never failed me.

Isaiah 63:7

I’ll make a list of God’s gracious dealings,
all the things God has done that need praising,
All the generous bounties of God,
his great goodness to the family of Israel—
Compassion lavished, love extravagant.

Do you have people you wanna give thanks for? They can be your closest family to the neighbour across the street to the bus uncle. Take some time to give thanks this month… We always love to read about any blessing big or small. And everyone loves to be thanked!

Mum’s the word

Here’s how to do it:

  • Simply copy the URL to your post and follow the directions in the linky below.
  • Feel free to grab the “Give Thanks” button above and use it in your post.
  • Do visit at least 2-3 other posts in the linky and leave them a comment. That’s it!
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