Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Kids’ Goals and Dreams

We did an activity with the kids recently—Goal Setting for the new year. They wrote or drew their goals and dreams on a simple paper lantern, and after that, we let it go into the wind. (In the end, we just lit up the lantern and snuff out the candle…the wind was too strong!)

Drawing on LanternYou can see, travelling is a big thing on their agenda!

Now, look at what Nicole wrote! I’m not sure why the sudden emphasis on safe and sound!!

Kid prayer

And the finale… setting up the lantern!

Setting up the lantern

What are the goals and dreams that your kids have for 2013?


new button 


Friday, January 25, 2013

Fit & Fab Friday: How do you start your day?

How do you start the day each morning?

A friend shared about the goodness of drinking WARM water with half a lemon before having breakfast.

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH: Drink lemon water everyday and you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized.

3. Helps with weight loss: Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.

4. Aids digestion: Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion. Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.

5. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps purify it. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin: The vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. It can actually be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance.

7. Freshens breath: Not only this, but it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. The citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should monitor this.

8. Relieves respiratory problems: Warm lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs. It’s thought to be helpful to people with asthma & allergies too.

9. Keeps you zen: Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you subject your mind and body to stress. As mentioned previously, lemons are chock full of vitamin C.

10. Helps kick the coffee habit: After taking a glass of warm lemon water, most people suggests of less craving for coffee in the morning.

Why it has to be warm water not cold? Cold water likely provides a shock or stress factor to the body. It takes energy for your body to process cold water.

The recipe is really simple - a cup of warm water (not hot) and the juice from half of a lemon.

Warm Water Lemon

So there you go. That’s how I’ve been starting my day the past week and possibly the rest of the year (erm.. or life?) I wish we can grow lemons here in Singapore!

How do you start your day? Join me below for this week’s Fit & Fab Friday!


Mum’s the word

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chewing and biting clothes

I have three kids. They all have a good appetite. But Nathan has a better one than the others. He eats clothes!

Kids eat shirt

Any other kids out there who loves eating tee shirts especially? (And I can’t let him wear this at home, he insists on wearing this to school, cos it’s his favourite!)

new button




Friday, January 18, 2013

Fit & Fab Friday: To grow old healthy

18th day of the new year… the running and the healthy dieting is doing erm… … … great. Ok. I mean I’m keeping to my exercise schedule. But to be honest, there are days I dread waking up to run, days I think that rain clouds are looming, days I think too much running would injure my muscles … (you get the idea?)

There is one thing that keeps me going. I shared earlier in my post: My positive motivation… … My Papa or the kid’s GongGong.

GongGong cycling

This photo was taken before Nicole & Nathan learnt how to cycle. Then, my dad would walk/jog with them while they cycle. Now that they know how to cycle, their speed increased and to keep up with them, he would get a bike as well and cycle with them.

No big deal I guess, except my dad is 67 this year!!!! He has no problem racing with them down East Coast Park. The kids love playing with GongGong, and enjoy every minute together. And it is very clear my dad loves it too!

I’m not so sure if I can do the same with MY grandkids when I’m older! My lifestyle since young was sedentary.

  • I don’t exercise in any way
  • I don’t like running after the bus unless necessary
  • I don’t dash across the road unless necessary
  • I don’t like overhead bridges
  • I like to eat and read
  • I like to snack

There was really no way I can cycle with the kids when I’m 67. I mean, I can’t even do that without panting now!

It hit me when I realised if I still don’t work out and be fit, it is very likely I’ll be an unmovable lump of fat when I babysit my grandkids next time. In a more present timeframe, I would really like to be able to cycle with the kids without limping the next day and I want to be genuinely enthusiastic when I bring them to the park to play. This is just a teeny glimpse of what I can possibly do when I’m fit.

I am great with excuses, but with my dad as this inspiring motivation, I’m happy to report, I’m still keeping to my schedule of running on alternate days. Yahoo!!

What is your motivation to be Fit & Fab? Join me below for this week’s Fit & Fab Friday!

Mum’s the word




Thursday, January 17, 2013

Giveaway: The Little Red Hen

It’s time for a giveaway!!

Woohoo! Remember my previous write up on the upcoming musical by I Theatre—The Little Red Hen? The 2013 production is coming and we have tickets to give away!

The previous years’ production in 2007 and 2008 were all sold-out and there’s news buzzing that the production this year is filled with brand-new set, costumes, songs and dances! And from the past years’ fun elements like audience participation and hilarious jokes remain to create a wonderful theatre experience for everyone in the family.

Little Red Hen

So this is what you have to do to take part in this giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Therapy 101: Ask a question and wait

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about Nadine’s Therapy sessions. In my last post, I mentioned that she has low muscle tone, and her weekly Gym sessions does wonders on her.

Another area that Nadine has to work on is her speech and language development. After assessment, she has delayed language skills and delayed cognitive skills. One of the issues is for Nadine to answer WHAT questions. This includes “WHAT do you want for lunch?” “WHAT is that animal?” “WHAT toy would you like?” “WHAT is your teacher’s name?” 

For example, if we are at the zoo and we point out the zebras to her. She needs to a lot of time to find the right word for that animal. You see, she had a whole chunk of vocabulary in her mind, but it’s all mixed up!

Many of us have a filing system in our mind. Animals, Food, Colours, People, Things that move etc. For Nadine, everything is mumbo jumbo in her brain. She knows what is a zebra, she knows what is a strawberry, she knows what is a slipper, but all these words are mixed up to her. When we point out a zebra to her, she has to go through all these words in her mind, and match them correctly. As there is no filing system in her, she has to go through a banana/snowman/fish/purple/finger/barbie before she finds the word ZEBRA.

Over time, (before therapy started), she stopped trying. It took too long, took too much effort. Often, she bursts into tears, we give up and just tell her point blank, “It’s a Zebra”. I mean, it’s a zebra, the sun is shining, it is hot, we are impatient. ok. sometimes we help her by asking “Is it an elephant?” “Is it a giraffe?” Or most of the time, Nicole and Nathan would have shouted out ZEBRA! And we think that by jumping in the answer, we are helping. After all, who doesn’t know that black and white striped animals are zebras? Clearly this made her less confident and less willing to try.

But thank God for the therapy sessions. We understand what’s happening, and she built her confidence in her conversations. She can reply much quicker now and she is learning to “file” words in her brain.  In the past, she would just go “I don’t know” after thinking for a few seconds. Now, she spends a little more time, as she has the confidence to answer, and answers correctly! (9 out of 10 times, her first answer is correct. She just needs a bit more time and encouragement)

Now Nicole and Nathan know that when we ask Nadine questions, she has to try and answer them herself. And no one is allowed to say things like “Easy Peasy” or “I know I know”. Every one has a turn at answering questions. We also told grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends around. This helped as they too, learn to ask, and wait.

Kids driving

So now when you spend time with our family, you will see sometimes we are all just looking at Nadine, smiling. You see, my little girl is thinking.

This is part of a series I’ve started – Therapy 101, to document Nadine’s developmental struggles and victories, and to journal my own learning experiences as she goes through hers.

Therapy 101


Linking with's Talkative Thursdays



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When I grow up …

At the start of the year, I always ask my kids, “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”

Each year, the list has new additions, and sometimes, old dreams as tossed aside. This is the first start of the year this blog is going through, so here’s 2013’s WHAT I WANNA BE WHEN I GROW UP (with reasons stated in italics)

Children in pose

Nicole, 8 year old

  • Nurse – To help others and I want to take temperature for the patients
  • Teacher – I can teach, use the markers, and choose what books to read
  • Hip-hop Dancer – Not ballet, so boring
  • Scientist – I want to do experiments

Nathan, 6 year old

  • Magician – I get to do magic tricks, and people have to pay me to do, and I get to travel and perform
  • Policeman – I want to catch all the bad guys

Nadine, 5 year old

  • Ballerina – I want to wear pink and purple

So in 2013, we are getting friends with occupations to speak to them so they can find out more. And in cases like magician, scientist and hip hop dancer, perhaps we will get the introduction kit/class for them.

What do your school going kids wanna be when they grow up?




Friday, January 11, 2013

Fit & Fab Friday: The Preparations

Today marks the 11th day of 2013. I’m relatively pleased with how my Fit & Fab new year resolution is moving along. I’ve decided to journal it down, and will be inviting my readers to join me if Fit & Fab is your resolution too!

Every Friday, come and review the week with me at the steps you’ve taken to be Fit & Fab. We are all in this together, and I’m a great believer of sharing successes and failures!

Here’s what I’ve done so far!!!

FF Measure Weight LossSTEP 1: I measured my vital stats! Erm… Was the ideal 34-24-34? haha… well, I’m far off in every way! (btw, I bought a new weighing scale! … oh, and the IKEA tape was for measuring the stats!)

FF food 1STEP 2: I had healthy meals. For one, I started to have breakfast!

For the record, my meals include:

  • One serving of Carbohydrates. (Usually 2 slices of plain Wholemeal bread)
  • Vegetables
  • Meat
  • Fruits
  • Nothing deep fried. And if possible nothing fried
  • Lots of water and lots of clear soup

FF shoesSTEP 3: I started Walking/Running

Screenshot_2013-01-10-22-28-15 (1) Edited 1STEP 4: Have health buddies to cheer you on (names deleted to protect the pre-fit personnels)

You can see, we have a chat group where we report what we ate for our meals, what we did in our exercises, and even share how we can get around tasting yummy food without the calories!


So there, my first 11 days of the year. It’s going good, I’m trying my darnest to keep at this resolution with all the above steps and by blogging about it. Talk about accountability!!

How’s your year so far? Is it still on the fit & Fab journey?

Mum’s the word

 Join me below for this week’s Fit & Fab Friday!




Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Clean Breast and A Love Story

I read a most inspiring book recently. I finished the book with tears in my eyes, being reminded of the power of love and God’s goodness. A Clean Breast is a Breast Cancer’s survivor account, by Theresa Tan.

A Clean Breast Theresa Tan

I must say first that I am not a fan of local authors. Other than that 1-2 books that we had to read for Literature, I’ve not read other local books. It’s a terrible mindset I have that these books are filled with local slangs and phrases, and the characters are modelled after daily soaps on TV.

Well, Theresa Tan is no regular local writer. Her experience as Arts Writer for 8Days, Editor in Chief for Elle Singapore, and Scriptwriter for local theatre made this book an easy read. There were no big bombastic words to describe how she felt when she experienced that pain in her breast. There were no local lehs and lors in her conversations. And best part, there was no pretence in how Theresa fought this cancer battle.

I do not know anyone with Breast Cancer. But reading this book gave me an insight to the emotions, fears and reliefs of a cancer patient and their loved ones. (Theresa included interviews with her husband and kids in the book!) She tells it with the exact emotions she felt at each stage, she shows us her embarrassment when the nurses did their checks, she lays bare the physical and psychological pain she goes through. It was like her sitting in front of you chatting with you over coffee. And you don’t even need to interrupt with questions!

You know what really struck me? It was the great love Theresa and her husband Kevin shared. I mean, the book could have been titled A Clean Breast & A Love Story.

Here’s a very short passage that showed me the simplicity of a husband’s love:

She left, drawing the curtain back, just as Kevin came back. I knew he was dying for a coffee and something to eat. But because I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink, he waited. It’s the little things that he does or doesn’t do, the way he considers my feelings, that make me appreciate this man I married. I can only pray my son will grow to be a gentleman like his father.

Another passage:

It was Valentine’s Day weekend at church. It’s become something of an annual tradition to have all married couples renew their wedding vows together at the Valentine’s Day service.

My heart pounded as I scrambled over knees and feet to get to the aisle, where Kevin was waiting for me with his hand outstretched. We’d done this many times before, but somehow each time was more powerful than the last.

“I, Kevin, take you Theresa to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish and to obey, as long as we both live, according to God’s holy ordinance; and there to I give you my love”

As I looked into his face, I felt my heart burst and my tear glands tingling. This man truly has lived the vows we took seventeen years ago.

If I quote more excerpts, I’m quite sure your tear glands would tingle along!

From this book, I took away some life lessons:

  1. Insurance: Woah! We got to buy the right insurance. Read the fine print, not every policy covers the various stages of cancer.
  2. Family & Friends: Double Woah! Theresa clearly got through this with a LOT of support. This only came about when she openly shared what was happening with those she loved and trusted.
  3. Faith: Triple Woah Woah Woah! Her faith in God in times when there’s just no where else to place your faith gave her simply more faith to keep going on.

This is a story of a courageous woman who fought hard and well. It is a love story of a couple who gone through much.

To have a glimpse of Theresa Tan’s book, you can find snippets of it in her blog:

A Clean Breast is available is all leading bookstores in Singapore & Malaysia.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolutions–the right motivation

Happy New Year!

It’s time to make known your dreams and wishes. To pen them down so that you can see your Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic goals within that one year Time frame. Yes. SMART goals.

I have some goals that I’ve written out. The personal ones concern my walk with God, family, work, time and finances. It all points back to being a better somebody. I want to be a better Christian, a better wife, better mother, better daughter, better colleague…you get the idea. And your resolutions probably resonates with the same ‘better person’ theme.

Well, now that I have a blog. I wanna put down one resolution I have for 2013 here. I want to be able to track it, monitor and measure it. So here goes… … … … I want to be fit and healthy.

Yes. I want to be able to run/jump/play with my kids without panting. I want to be able to join them with Daddy when they go swimming, cycling, running, play ball. I am quite tired of having an aching back when I stand up after sitting on the floor too long. I am quite upset when I have to ask the kids to slow down and wait for mummy. And, looking at my own dad who had a great time cycling with the kids today, I want to be able to do that with my grandkids!

So yes. I want to be fit and healthy. I will watch my diet: One carbo serving a day, no snacks, no sweets, no eating after 8 p.m. I will exercise: 30 min brisk walking 3 times a week for Jan, 60 min brisk walking 3 times a week for Feb. [Further review will be done in the last week of Feb]

This fit and healthy resolution is a little different from past years’ resolutions of losing weight. In the past, the focus was on the weight. There was no motivation other than hitting that magical number or wearing that one black dress. This time, it’s not about the weight. It’s about the lifestyle. And there’s a positive motivation for me. To be fit and healthy for the future, for the kids. And to simplify it, I’ll be F&F: Fit & Fabulous!

I will journal this resolution. I’ve even created a button to affirm myself. 2013 – a fit & fab me! Doesn’t it look so encouraging? (trapping myself too since I’ve now put it down so officially!)

Fit & Fab

Now, what’s YOUR new year resolution? Here’s wishing everyone a Fit & Fab new year! You can join me and be Fit & Fab. Grab my button and join in this year long party!

Mum’s the word

new button